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The Interview & Pre-Induction

On the day of your session, you will come with the two lists of questions you have created for the Higher Self. One of these lists should focus on your physical and mental health while the other covers your life and personal questions. You should put your most important questions first, and the lists need to be typed and printed or neatly handwritten.


Before we discuss your questions, we’ll discuss your reasons for experiencing the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® and take a good deal of time getting to know each other. We will talk about how easy it will be for you to go into a deep state of relaxation and how to let go and allow yourself to have the best experience possible. 


As we come to the end of the interview, we will go over your list of questions and make sure they will help the Higher Self to give you the answers you seek. 


Relaxation, Regression, and Discovery

Once we begin the quantum healing process, you will be under hypnosis for approximately two hours. I use a digital recorder for all clients, so this will be running during this time. The purpose of this recording is for you to listen to, and you will find that each time you return to it, you will often discover something new and meaningful.


We will start the hypnosis by easily getting you into a deep state of relaxation. I will help you begin tapping into the creative and intuitive part of yourself through visualization techniques.


While you are in this deep state of complete relaxation, I will guide you through one to three past lives or other experiences your soul has had or could be having presently.


If you are unsure if you believe in past lives, we will call it a story.


The Higher Self will decide what experiences you will have under hypnosis and take you to the most appropriate time and place where your issues began, and the answers to your questions will become clearer.


By knowing where, when, what and why something occurred that is affecting you now, you will know and understand the ways things are the way they are for you. When this information is revealed to you, this is where your healing and growth begin!


An Important Note About Your Higher Self

Before moving through what will occur during the rest of your session, it is important to stop for a moment, and better explain and understand the nature of the Higher Self. Some people are open to this concept, but you may have conflicting thoughts and feelings that are leaving you confused, skeptical, or even possibly fearful. This should not be the case.


Another way to think of the Higher Self is how we more commonly think of what it means to have intuition or a gut feeling about a situation, choice, something, or someone. If you consider it in this way, the Higher Self will not be as mysterious or impossible to understand as you once thought.


Whether you listen to "your gut"  is completely your choice, a matter of using your free will, but what about the times you have knowingly gone against your instincts, and afterward, you look back and know it was not the best decision. You may have said, "I knew I shouldn't have done that" or "I knew something bad was going to happen, but I did it anyway." These are the moments when your intuition, your Higher Self, was trying to help you or warn you, but instead, you chose another path.


The truth is the Higher Self is always with each of us, loves us, wants to help us, and speaks through us, but it is often ignored and rarely acknowledged. We have all experienced flashes of clarity where seemingly random thoughts, ideas, and words come to us out of nowhere, but they make sense. They feel right. We say, "Why didn't I think of this before?" "Don't ask me where I got the idea. It just came to me." This is your Higher Self communicating with you and through you. 


Anything is possible with the Higher Self, and it is truly remarkable. The moment when communicated with the Higher Self of my very first client (who did not believe in the possibilities of QHHT® and past lives) was the moment that any skepticism I still held was permanently silenced. While the fact that the existence of the Higher Self was validated for me during the hypnosis, it did not fully register until after the session with the client. My primary focus was on making sure his questions were answered, he received the guidance and healing he needed, and he was successfully brought out of hypnosis. The client's purpose, intention, and welfare are always my priority.





The Subconscious (SC or The Higher Self), Coming Out of Hypnosis, and Reflections

Once we have uncovered and explored your past soul experiences, this is the time I will ask permission to speak with the Higher Self and to ask the questions you brought to the session. 


When I communicate with the Higher Self, I am tapping into the aspect of your being that has always been there and always will be. By allowing the stream of consciousness to come from your Higher Self and use the gift of your voice to communicate with us is genuinely humbling, beautiful, and unforgettable.


As I go through your questions, I will ask for the Higher Self to do a body scan and to heal and repair any issues you are presently experiencing in your life.  The Higher Self can also find problem areas that you and others may not know. If this happens, I will ask that it heal and fix those issues as well.


After healing and the answers to your questions have been given, I will ask if the Higher Self has any final messages or advice.


I will then bring you out of hypnosis, and you will feel revitalized and as though you've taken a short nap.


We will then discuss and reflect on what occurred and what you can remember. We’ll listen to parts of your recording and go over the answers you were given.


By the end of a session, you will not be the same person. It is common for clients to feel a great sense of awe and wonder in knowing the answers to their questions and receiving healing from the Higher Self.  This is the beauty of QHHT®!


Once you experience a QHHT® session, you will have a clear understanding of how to maintain this connection with your Higher Self, whether in times of quiet and stillness, meditation, before you drift off to sleep, or right after you awaken.





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