Last night, I had a dream I met my mom out in some field. It was open, and there seemed to be some type of large circle. She began to tell me that extraterrestrials had visited her.

Later in the dream, I found that what she was about to say was exactly what others' mothers with whom I would soon be had said to them. However, I cannot remember the exact words she would say, but I got the sense beings had just visited her. This was also not surprising to her. She began to say some series of phrases that I already knew would signify she had an extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitation or experience.
The scene shifted, and I do not know if she was still present, but beings appeared to me in the same setting. One of them walked towards me. He was of a similar height with large black eyes and brownish, leathery skin, somewhat like the greys, but the skin was much rougher and wrinkled in texture.
I was not fearful and knew I would not be. I also felt a sense of relief and excitement, as though I had been waiting for this experience for a long time.
When he came closer, I thought I should do some formality of bowing or sign of respect. However, he spoke to me in a casual everyday manner, like, "Hey, how's it going?" Those were not the exact words, but I got the sense he was using slang from the 1920s or 1930s, but I did not hear words; it was a "feeling" of words. The greeting immediately gave me the feeling that no formalities were needed. I had nothing to worry about, as though I was taking things too seriously and I needed to relax. There was nothing abnormal about what was happening. All was OK, and as though we were friends, old acquaintances.
The memories of the dream are now beginning to fade into short scenes...
I was with others who had also been brought/recruited into various training scenarios. I had a distinct feeling this training would be/was easy for me, and I was aware the beings/energies responsible knew I would excel. It was a confirmation of inner knowing in my waking life; I had/have abilities of which I am not aware and a purpose that has yet to be revealed.

These sessions occurred in what might have been a colossal ship or an industrial-type area, where there were many mechanical, moving parts, and conscious machinery, rotating platforms, etc.
Our training entailed learning how to extract energies from each other in game-type formats. This was done by focusing on our own energies (which was already familiar to me), pulling out the energy/light from others, combining them, and then absorbing them into our bodies.
In the beginning, these energies, orbs of light, were bright yellow. As we progressed, and the energies became higher level and complex, the colors went from light yellow to blue (we discussed the power of blue with each other) and then to red (as much I can remember). The complexity was related to our ability to extract and maintain control of the energies themselves. It felt like the higher level the energy, the more energy and skill is required of each of us.

Again, I had the sense I already could exact and maintain control of higher-level energies, and those watching over us knew were expecting this of me. Moreover, the red energies would come from higher vibration trainers and advanced students.

While it required intense focus and energetic "strength," I was able to extract multiple red orbs from various sources at once and combine them into a single purple/indigo energy. This new form could either be used to manipulate others (for the purpose of the game) or transformed into an orangish-yellow light. If this new form were absorbed into my body, it would enhance ascension and enlightenment, which would give me access to different training pathways and abilities. I could see these pathways in my mind (almost like a map), and I chose the orangish-yellow path that would require more time and absorption of higher-level energies to progress, but this did not matter to me.
The final scene I can remember is standing on a circular platform and within the training grounds. They were five equidistant points that, in retrospect, would have resembled the point of a star if viewed from above. These points were lighted and circular. The platform's function was to transport individuals to a higher space or room. I stepped onto one of the points and knew I was going to experience momentary dematerialization and materialization.

I had a mild nervousness but excitement over the experience. I began to lift off of the platform, rise upwards, and light consumed me. I felt a slight tingling all over my body and was then in the new space. It was quick and not all that complicated.
Overall, the dream was similar to others. It confirmed an inner knowing in my waking life that I have not admitted or entirely accepted/believed: I have a specific purpose that has yet to be revealed and relative to the unfolding around us. A significant part of this knowledge is an advanced ability to extract, manipulate, and absorb light and energies for different intents and purposes. While there is the potential to use these abilities for self-serving, short-term, or malicious ends, I desire to utilize them for my spiritual development and awakening. And, I have the distinct sense this is an old/ancient ability of which not all are capable or for whom it would require a great deal more training and perseverance to acquire.