Jason's background in ancient and modern philosophy and writing combined with a lifetime of devoted spiritual exploration, not to mention his insatiable curiosity about our existence and the universe, gives him the unique ability to inspire and guide people. He is devoted to developing and maintaining balance and harmony within the mind, body, spirit, and soul. It’s not just about knowledge but understanding and living with that knowledge; Jason's discovery and practice of QHHT® represent the ultimate culmination of his life's journey. His sensitivity, authenticity, patience, and openness work together with the LIGHT to help meet his client’s needs intuitively and fully.
Jason’s philosophy is rooted in constant awareness of ourselves, our thoughts, what we say, and how we live with and make connections with others and the LIGHT. We must understand that each soul has chosen unique purposes, lessons, and plans that we must experience, make intuitive choices, and strive for optimal health. If our past, present, and future are all reflected in the health of our bodies in this lifetime, then knowing why we experience physical pain, discomfort, and disease are the keys to healing and wellness.
Jason now understands we must put our logical, reasoning, and scientific selves to the side. Once quieted, the childlike wonderment and divine aspect of ourselves can be reawakened, allowing the Higher Self, LIGHT, and love to come through. This is exactly what happens during a quantum healing experience and what lies beyond that doorway we have kept locked for far too long.
We have chosen and created what we experience in this lifetime. We also decide how to ease physical problems, allow ourselves to heal in the most meaningful and best ways possible, and choose a path and purpose that remembers the divine spark that is the LIGHT within us all.
His unending thirst for knowledge, learning, and wisdom has led him to enriching experiences, taking him on different paths in life, always exploring philosophers and spiritual traditions to discover common threads that unite us all in the human experience.
In the Summer of 2019, Jason had a deeply personal and transformative experience. A therapeutic, spiritual retreat in the Rocky Mountains reawakened his forgotten passion for metaphysics, philosophy, and spirituality. He remembered his connection with nature and the value of authentic, meaningful interpersonal relationships. It was then that he realized his calling to be a counselor and guide for others, to help them grow, heal, and reach their highest potential as loving, spiritual beings.
Shortly after the retreat, Jason began studying to become a professional counselor and leave his career in teaching. After several courses, he noticed that even though mind, body, and spirit are vital to holistic therapy, the spirit is primarily ignored and forgotten in academic and professional settings. Discussions about spirituality are considered troubling and dangerous territory and are avoided by a majority of practitioners. Nevertheless, Jason became and continues to advocate for spirituality and how crucial it is to promote cognitive, physical, emotional, and wellness in us all.
Through research for a course project, Jason came across the writings of Dolores Cannon and her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®. Something about her research called to him, and he read Dolores' The Custodians out of pure curiosity and lifelong interest in extraterrestrials and our place in the universe. However, the text was not just about ETs but something more significant and powerful, the multidimensional nature of our physical existence and our universal connection with the Source.
Jason was not prepared for the journey he was about to embark upon and never anticipated that a book on extraterrestrials and hypnosis would completely change his path. Dolores's writings and work cover a diverse range of subject matter and manage to bridge gaps in metaphysics, mysticism, consciousness, and the unknown that he has been drawn to since childhood.
Several books later and after QHHT training, Jason understands he did not choose Dolores Cannon, her technique, or the potential to help heal and guide others, but he has been chosen by her and the Higher Self. His new purpose is to help people access the unlimited love and knowledge of the Higher Self and the Light. Jason reflects on his life experiences, passions, and gifts and realizes they were all predetermined. The time has come at last for him to fulfill the path for which he was chosen...continuing Dolores' legacy as a QHHT® practitioner, explorer, researcher, and writer. #LOVEANDLIGHT
Soul Speak (The Language of Your Body) Practitioner Certification
QHHT® Practitioner Certification, Level 2
QHHT® Practioner Certification, Level 1
MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota
MA, Teaching & English Literature, Bard College, Los Angeles, California
MA, Philosophy, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
BA, Philosophy, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California